Salisbury, China Grove, Spencer, Granite Quarry, and Rockwell NC.
*Excluding All Deliveries on Feb. 12, 13 & 14The FTD Thoughtful Expressions Bouquet is a beautiful way to send your gratitude and affection. Lavender carnations and traditional daisies are brought together with purple statice and matsumoto asters accented with lush greens for a fantastic look. Arranged beautifully within a clear glass cubed vase set with violet foam and tied with a lavender grosgrain ribbon, this bouquet has a simple majesty that conveys your every wonderful wish for your special recipient. GOOD bouquet includes 14 stems. Approx. 9â€ÂH x 10â€ÂW. BETTER bouquet includes 19 stems. Approx. 10â€ÂH x 11â€ÂW. BEST bouquet includes 24 stems. Approx. 11â€ÂH x 12â€ÂW.
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