Salisbury, China Grove, Spencer, Granite Quarry, and Rockwell NC.
For Winston Salem orders please click hereThe FTD Blushing Beauty Bouquet is a simply stunning bouquet of floral elegance and grace. Coral roses are set to capture their attention arranged amongst white Asiatic lilies, peach mini carnations, red hypericum berries and lush greens. Presented in a clear glass cubed vase, this bouquet creates a wonderful gift of blooming beauty. GOOD bouquet includes 9 stems. Approx. 9â€ÂH x 10â€ÂW. BETTER bouquet includes 13 stems. Approx. 10â€ÂH x 11â€ÂW. BEST bouquet includes 16 stems. Approx. 11â€ÂH x 13â€ÂW.
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